Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"What Kate Does" S06E03 Airs 2/09/10

Here is the preview for tonight's episode.

I've also found a sneak peak at tonight's episode.

Richard Alpert Backstory Ahead?

In an interview that hit the net today, it looks like a good chance.

Was Richard Alpert a slave on the Black Rock?

That was an implication from the Lost season premiere, wasn't it?

Even if we accept this as true, of course, there are plenty of Richard-related questions on the minds of viewers, most notably: why doesn't he age?!?!?!

Fortunately, in a new interview with TV Guide, Nestor Carbonell says answers are ahead. A few excerpts...

On Richard's background: "We have gotten to that point where there is an episode that deals with the origins of Richard Alpert and the bigger questions about his character, as well as bigger questions about the island and the mythology of it. It's an episode that reveals a lot."

Any other character-related spoilers? "It's safe to say he's been around for a long time. Initially, in Season 3, when he appeared in the '70s to young Ben, he was described as a Hostile, an indigenous member of the island, so we will find out if that's true or not or what that means exactly. If he was a Hostile, what is a Hostile? Who is this man?"

On what Richard wants: "Redemption. At the heart of it, every character wants to be redeemed on some level. God knows my character has definitely committed some atrocities. If there's redemption, I think he wants to get it. He wants to feel empowered and a sense of a real identity and to know his place on this island and in the world. I think most of all, Richard just wants answers."

Sorry I forgot my password.

We are now back up and running.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thing's starting to get a little intense.

So with the end coming shortly, we find ourselves with many questions but still no answers. With this poster being released, we again find ourselves with more questions. Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof say that the poster will have clues, "There will be a couple of clues to the final season that are embedded in that poster," Cuse said. "It will make a lot of sense once you've actually seen a few episodes of the show."Lindelof adds "You should look at the poster and think of the things you've seen on the show, and then whatever else is left, that's a clue for Season 6."

Things are going to clearly pick up very soon. Now this is only what I feel about the poster but if you notice all of the characters are either wearing blue or grey, or in some cases they are wearing a combination of blue and grey. Now many people have been talking about the fact that season six will be the battle between White(Jacob) and Black(Man we see on the beach in the first seen of the last episode of five) for easier reference we will call him the Man in black or MIB. Now, for whatever reason I truly feel that Jacob is the bad man out of this situation, even though he is wearing white in the episode. I don't think that it will be a battle between Black and White, but a battle between Grey and Blue. Well, none of the characters are truly bad or good, they are all somewhere in between. Hence the grey and blue.

Some things I see(Things that might be clues)
-Lava coming out of volcano in top right corner
-Torches coming out of the trees in the bottom left corner
-Symbol in Hurley's fire
-The quote "What lies in the shadow of the statue" was said many times in episodes. Now what looks to be the smoke monster lies in the shadow
-Man in the middle of the plane wreckage
-I think Richard is coming out of the trees in bottom right
-Sayid and Shannon are shown twice
-Ana Lucia is wearing all black
-Sawyer, Ben, Juliet, and Locke have blue eyes

Now that's all I see for now. But I'll find more.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What timeline are we in?

There are new details on the season premiere from E! Online's Kristin Dos Santos, and I think it's a little bit clear. Apparently, the season premiere will still feature two timelines--expected, since the crew have promised that the timelines will merge early in the season. But those two timelines are causes for confusion.

Timeline one: The bomb worked, and Flight 815 is happening all over again. That's the consensus.

Timeline two: In Kristin's words, it's where "we find out someone we thought was dead is actually alive ... in the same time we last saw him or her." So that's 1977, the same time the bomb exploded? Why am I guessing it's Charlotte who actually goes back to life?

For more on this article go to this.

Rittenhouse in 2010

With the closing of Inkworks, Rittenhouse cards has picked up the rights to the Lost series. Each box will come with 3 autographed cards. There are a total of 40 autographed cards in the set. Some of the cards will include Michael Emerson, Terry O'Quinn, Michelle Rodriguez, and many more. The cards hit stores on January 27, 2010. The set will include seasons 1-5. for more information visit Rittenhouse's website.

Lost: Official Season 6 Cast Photos

The cast photos for season six are starting to surface on the internet. There is a total of 14 photos ranging from Richard to Jack. Some of the biggest surprises would have to be that Claire(returning from where ever she has been all of this time) is in and Juliet is out. Now, the strange thing about this is that we all know that there is a chance that she could have died in the "explosion" that happened(if it happened) in the last episode of the 5th season. IMDB has her listed as at least being in the first episode of the new season titled as LAX.

All photos can be found at BuddyTV.