Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Emmy Nominees?

The nominees for the Emmy awards are now out. The show only received one nomination, and that is for best supporting actor. Hopefully Ben gets to take the statue home.

He is up against some tough competition:

Neil Patrick Garris, How I Met Your Mother

Jeremy Piven, Entourage

William Hurt, Damages

John Lithgow, Dexter

I think his chances are great, but Piven is phenomenal in Entourage, and Lithgow was awesome in Dexter. Only time will tell if Michael's got what it takes.

Michael is very optimistic about the final season and the awards that might come after that. "I think next year, after the conclusion of the final season, when people see the strength and style of how we go out, I expect Lost to have more recognition."For more information about Ben(Michael) and the final season read the tv guide article.

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